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Westlake是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/westlake.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
Westlake是什么意思 Westlake在线翻译 Westlake什么意思 Westlake的意思 Westlake的翻译 Westlake的解释 Westlake的发音 Westlake的同义词 WestlakeWestlake 基本解释


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1. 西湖:玻璃墙电梯和位于20楼的全玻璃顶层休闲室让您饱览富有传奇色彩的美丽西湖(Westlake)、迷人的竹帛湖(Truc Bach Lake)、壮阔的红河(Red River)和绿树成行的青年(Thanh Nien)林荫大道.

2. Westlake

2. 莲花:westhemisphericbeams 西半球波束 | westlake 莲花 | westpoint 西点

3. Westlake

3. 杭州中策橡胶/中国:20、山东玲珑橡胶/中国 LINGLONG | 23、杭州中策橡胶/中国 WESTLAKE | 24、山东成山/中国 Chengshan

4. 浙江 浙江景点介绍:新疆景点介绍:Turpan | 浙江 浙江景点介绍:WestLake | 浙江景点介绍:QiandaoLake

Westlake 双语例句

1. In this way, you`ll accurately experience the standard taste of Westlake Longjing Tea.

2. Hangzhou, in particular, was spectacular as I finally had time to visit Westlake 西湖 and it\'s surroundings.

3. The film shares the same source material as the 1967 noir -classic Point Blank (whose rights are currently owned by Warner Bros., the international distributor of Payback, via its ownership of the pre-1986 MGM library through Turner Entertainment), directed by John Boorman and starring Lee Marvin; both are based on the book The Hunter, written by Donald E. Westlake under the pseudonym of Richard Stark.

4. Westlake

4. The couple told us it was the fourth time that they had visited WestLake.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. Hangzhou bus development zone, Jiachengyeyue, Yumatou, Xinyifang, canal business area, Huanbei people`s park, Westlake culture square and on both sides of the canal.

6. Security Door Controls of Westlake Village, California, has introduced a new emergency door release with an internal alarm.

7. Show the pupils four pictures (the Great Wall, Westlake, BigBen, the Statue of Liberty), let them know more by asking the partners or teachers.

8. Westlake的意思

8. The faintsmell of dung from the distance, SO redolent of country life, negat. ed my earlier notion that l was boating on the celebrated WestLake.

9. The beauty of the WestLake in Hangzhou was what impressed Marco Polo most during his trip to China.

10. Sonja Montiel is founder of College Confidence, a Westlake Village-based college counseling firm.


11. Duchez, who follows the news on television from her assisted living community in Westlake, Ohio, sees some similarities to the 1918 situation -- for example, the dozens of school closings nationwide.

12. I`ve bought a home near Westlake, and me and my wife want to enjoy the comforts of life.

13. He was struck by the beauty of the WestLake.

14. At Westlake College, more than 60 percent of the staff uses the computers.

15. The children are on a trip to the WestLake.

16. Our school is just located on the beautiful bank of the Westlake.

17. Westlake

17. Nevertheless, 3 T 9901, which Banneker was already too cognoscent to employ in his formal newsgathering (the notebook is anathema to the metropolitan reporter), was filling up with odd bits, which were being transferred, in the weary hours when the new man sat at his desk with nothing to do, to paper in the form of sketches for Miss Westlake\'s 韦斯特莱克 trustful and waiting typewriter.
不过,3 T 9901,班纳克已经很聪明地做正式的新闻收集——这笔记本是对大都市的居民记者的诅咒,满是怪怪的零碎小事。这是新人在无所事事而厌烦时所为,值得信赖的候补打字员韦斯特莱克小姐为他打出草稿。

18. The new SDC 621 one-amp power supply from Security Door Controls of Westlake Village, California, provides an economical solution for access control and lock power needs.

19. In producers of WestLake Longjing Green Tea like Wengjiashan, ShuangfengVillage and Meijiawu, workers picking tea leaves appeared on tea bushes and tea fragrance prevailed in these villages.

20. Westlake什么意思

20. Westlake Culture Plaza is not only a huge scale flattop-like comprehensive cultural individual building, but also the top attraction of construction in Hangzhou civic center.

Westlake 单语例句

1. On the first day of the Westlake Real Estate Expo, transactions totaled 240 million yuan.

2. Providing a comfortable living environment for people in the city has become the main topic at the fifth Westlake Expo in Hangzhou.

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本文链接: http://westlake.immuno-online.com/view-688783.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)